How to Install a Metal Roof to Withstand Tornado Force Winds
No, it’s not hype. One of our roofs was able to withstand an EF2 tornado in Burleson, TX.
The key to having a metal roof that can withstand gale force winds is proper installation.
1. Roof Decking
It’s important that the screws that anchor the metal panels to the roof have a solid substrate. In other words, there needs to be plenty of good solid wood for the screws to grab onto.
2. Proper Trim
Some installers skimp on installing the correct trims as specified by the manufacturer. When it comes to wind, the most important trim is the rake trim.
3. Rake Trim
Rake trim is an L shaped piece of trim that fits over the top of the metal panel at the gable end of the roof. This acts as a barrier, preventing wind from coming up underneath the side of the metal panel. Instead of allowing the wind to apply upward force from underneath the panel, the wind is forced to go around the edge of the panel, making it so that it can’t damage the panel.
Because we installed the rake trim properly on that roof in Burleson, TX, it was able to withstand 100 mph winds!
Have questions about your roof?
Give us a call at (817) 873-8880 or visit our Contact page to submit your question.